
My journey to witchcraft started with an episode of My So-Called Life. The mother of a friend gave the protagonist, Angela, a deck of tarot cards. I so wanted to be Angela. I wanted to do anything she was getting involved in. So, I bravely ventured to the New Age store in the next town, a…

Head House video #2: The Word Room

I’m so sorry that this blog has been dormant for so long! I promise, if it wasn’t for mental health nonsense, I would have returned far earlier. But here’s the followup to my original Head House video, in which I talk about my word room and how you can create a room for your own…

VIDEO: My “Head House” meditation space

If you’ve wondered about the long gap between posts here, this is why! I’ve been working on developing and plotting out a concept for videos about a particular meditation technique that I’ve adapted over the years from the “Memory Palace” concept. Now that the series is outlined, I’m deep into filming and editing them, and…

Time Slips vs. Hauntings

This week, like most of the internet, I absolutely devoured the first season of Netflix’s The Haunting Of Hill House. At the risk of sounding punny, it absolutely is a haunting show that has stuck in my mind not just because of the jump scares and family drama, but because of a particular plot element. I won’t spoil…

Top Five Tarot Tips For Beginners

Sorry for the lack of posts here for the past couple of weeks! I’ve been super busy trying to wrap up my current work in progress for publication in November! Recently on Twitter, someone excitedly announced they’d bought their first deck of tarot cards. They tagged me and said, “Help!” Since Twitter isn’t the best…

Orb Photo?

This is a creepy happening to share on a spooky Friday night! While fighting with my phone in an attempt to get it to upload to Google Photos, I came across this: At first, I thought I must have accidentally taken the picture. But, being curious, I checked the info in Google Photos. The picture…

Recipe: Spray For Protection From Malevolent Entities

Though my first job is as an author, my second job is as a tarot reader. All readers have different methods, but as an intuitive reader and something of a natural medium, I truly feel like helpful spirits guide me in my work. But, where there are helpful spirits, so can there be malicious spirits….

Witchy Sounds

Before I tell you about this amazing site that I love, I want to make it clear that it’s not a sponsored post in any way, nor have I been asked to write about this site by its creator. I’ve just been handing this out as a suggestion to people for a long time, so…

Spotlight: Timothy Stephens and Soultry Vibes

Earlier this month, I spent a weekend in Ann Arbor, MI on business. Wherever I go, I look for the local “witch store” because I like to support New Age businesses and check out what cool things people are carrying these days. When I found Evenstar’s Chalice in neighboring Ypsilanti, my buddies and I headed…

Personal Journey: Spiritual Self-Care And Chronic Illness

I have such the to-do list today. Write a blog post. Write my book. Fold clothes. Go to the post office. But, like a lot of days, Fibromyalgia took my plans, wadded them up and threw them into the trash. I know I should be working. The stress of “falling behind” constantly plagues me, but so…